Semester Round-Up

Semester Round-Up

Here we are. It’s been a while. Five months, actually. I kept thinking to myself, My life is going really well. Stuff is happening. I should write about it (my thoughts are not particularly articulate). It is hard for me to sit down to write unless I feel like I have a couple really solid lines to base the post around. While my life was going really well and interesting things were happening, it just wasn’t funny.

Hoo boy.

I (stupidly) asked life to give me humor and was overwhelmed by just how funny it could get. Here’s what went down over the last semester.

I was transferred from the behavioral psych lab to the neuroscience lab. It has been a dream of mine to work in a neuroscience lab since high school– I acknowledge that this is really weird. I loved working in the lab except when I actually had to do it. I loved talking about it. For some reason, telling people you are a  neuroscience research assistant makes them think you are really smart. I always imagined it being a great party story– it is not. My job mostly consisted of filling 64 nodes on a brainwave-measuring cap with a gel similar to aloe vera but completely edible. I never tasted it because I was afraid I would become addicted. The coolest part was the vial of liquid we used to sanitize the equipment. It can dissolve human flesh in six minutes or less. I made it out with all of my extremities so that was cool.

I took the LSAT in September. My score was fine; I’m going to try again just to see in February. I made myself so nervous that after it was over I threw up in a bush at a swanky Birmingham strip mall. It was 1 pm.

I was elected president of my sorority! It was a huge honor and something I was afraid to even dream of because I really wanted it. I realize that is pretty lame. On a parabola of how into your sorority you are as a function of coolness, I am on the far right (see figure below).

Far too into it. Not cool at all.

The adjustment was hard. A sorority president’s term is only for a year, so your transition time is very short. I had about a week, which preceded finals week. In that week I adopted the new mother phrase “sleep when the baby sleeps,” except my baby was my email account. I also caught myself thinking, Gosh, I wish I could just shower in peace which I am also told new mothers think. I was already wearing stretchy pants so I didn’t even have to change that part. Since I had just given birth to a 450 person sorority, I cut myself some slack. Since then, I have caught my stride and am both sleeping and showering. Big things!

This semester will bring more change. My parents are moving into their new home in Frederick, Colorado in January. Steven will be taking a new job (he’s a nuclear engineer) in Virginia. I will be taking a class at Alabama’s law school and traveling around the states. The January roster is Dallas, San Francisco, Atlanta, and Baton Rouge. Did I ever mention I like to stay busy?

Happy Holidays and Roll Tide!


Enjoy a photo roundup of the semester.


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