Why I Blog

Why I Blog


I’ve been avoiding blogging for a while because I’m sitting on a series I want to do over the summer that sort of has a schedule to it and so I don’t want to get ahead of myself. Not blogging is so hard. Let me take that back, not writing is so hard. I could write all day and just shove it in my drawer and be fine with it. For all the techie stuff that blogging includes, I am pretty terrible at all of it. I cannot code to save my life and my blog never quite looks like the template (speaking of, check out the new template!) The only thing that keeps me posting is that I create a lot of content because I am a crazy person.

I blog because I can’t shut up.

From a young age, I have been a certified fast talker. My handwriting even mimics this– my brother always puts his finger between my words, Kindergarten style, to remind me that I am not leaving adequate space. One of my favorite people to talk to in the world is my mom because she will let me monologue uninterrupted and then will offer a slightly shorter monologue in return. My ideal conversation is basically a poorly paced play. This means a blog is a great format for me because I talk into the void and the void occasionally comments back.

I blog because I love to laugh.

Close to 90% of the jokes I use on my blog wouldn’t work in a real-life conversation. The setup is too long, the words are too complicated, or I would get too excited about it and stutter. This website is the garbage dump of my jokes.

I blog because I am hugely competitive. 

I started writing for fun at a young age because reading and writing were the first things I was really good at. I struggled to read for a few years before I saw one of my friends reading a Bible and I thought she was actually able to read the whole thing, chapter-book style. I learned to read because I didn’t want anyone else to be better than me at something, which is funny because at that time the only thing really exceptional about me was how tall I was (I have been effectively the same height since the fourth grade). I’ve mellowed out considerably and now I love reading what my friends are working on, but I started writing because I liked the praise.

Speaking of the praise–wow!! I just found out I have over 1,800 email subscribers! Thank you all for reading and believing in my work. Also, I am so sorry that you are going to get another email.

Love (really a lot of love),



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