Megan Anderson: Insufferable Goodie-Goodie

Megan Anderson: Insufferable Goodie-Goodie

One thing most people don’t know about me is that I am a big ole nerd. Not in a cute or sexy way either, like a play-by-the-rules, dinner before dessert kind of way (except in the actual case of dessert; it’s just a metaphor, y’all).

I take school very seriously. I cheated on something, once, in the sixth grade, and I cried about it for four-ish days. Part of the trauma was because, even to this day, I am a massive teacher’s pet. Of course, I got caught. While I’m not above a little homework assistance that maybe doesn’t fit the exact tutoring specifications, I don’t play around with serious honor code violations.  I am not as bad as my friend Emily Garbutt, though. If Emily was in a bizarre, Saw-like situation where she had to cheat on a test to save her own life she would probably at least vomit. I don’t think she would die, but she would be extremely uncomfortable. I choose to take a lot of classes with Emily because even though she freaks me out when she talks about studying for tests two weeks in advance, she’s a really good influence.

People who follow me on Instagram and don’t read my blog (sticks in the mud, all of them) don’t know that my social life is not as intense as it seems. Many people, upon seeing me after a while, will say something like It looks like you’re going to a lot of theme parties he he he with this weird, raspy Frenchman-lurking-behind-a-tree laugh at end like it isn’t rude to make value judgements based on social media. The secret is that I post something Every Time I Go Out. True socialites don’t do that because they’re out so much they would probably overwhelm Instagram’s servers but I have to because I go out (leave the house at all) probably half as often. I own six independent photo editing apps so I can make the one blurry photo I took look good because I have an accounting test and this is my one shot at relevancy this week. D-List stars that get a lot of plastic surgery and I: we’re not so different.

In closing, I would like to say that I stayed up sort of late applying for internships and I’m on a new flossing kick. Even though I try to pretend I am fun and flirty I am actually just that girl in the second grade who had to wear blue retainers full time and take them out at lunch, leaving a spitty puddle on her tray (this actually happened for nearly 3 years and my friend Connor will never let me forget it).

Retainers still dutifully in,


2015: The Year in Review

2015: The Year in Review

Although TIME has chosen Angela Merkel to be the 2015 Person of the Year, the Megan Anderson Person of the Year is, once again, me. A lot of stuff happened in the news this year, but I’m sure someone else will cover that. The question on the minds of many, if not most, is what I did this year, and this blog post is here to let you know.

January: Returned to Tuscaloosa (Roll Tide). Had my first “snow day” (canceled for up to 1/10 of an inch of freezing rain) and used that as an occasion to go out with my friends, though I had a math test approaching. At this party, I truly believe I was served non-alcoholic jello shots. Month rating: 5/10


February: The highlight of this month was going to formal in New Orleans. Excellent. Month rating: 8/10


Why do I have screenshots of all my snapchats? My mom.

March: Darty season, beautiful glorious darty season, hits full swing here. Additionally, I go on spring break to Maui with my parents and my friend Aly. Life is really good. Month rating: 9.5/10

April: Spring break is over, crawfish season is ending, finals are approaching. Fun is dead. I don’t have any photos for this month because it sucked. Month rating: 2/10

May: I went to Italy! I spent most of my time in Florence but also visited Rome, Venice, Cinque Terre and Lucca. This is the best month. Month rating: 12/10 

June and July: I work at my job at the pool in Topeka and hang out with my high school buddies. Pretty fun, nothing groundbreaking. I go see my boyfriend in Nashville and see a show at Red Rocks with my mom. Month(s) rating: 7/10

August: Rush happens, school starts, and I’m in my groove. It’s good to be back. It is hotter than hell in Alabama. Month rating: 7/10IMG_3805September: Football is back. I go to Dallas with Ferons to watch the opening game. I’m at a point in my life where I have $100 to spend on a football game, a feeling which is now foreign to me. This month is good but feels really long. Month rating: 8/10IMG_4070October: I turn twenty, my family comes to visit me, and I come home for Halloween. Time really starts to pick up and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m old now or the semester is just really busy. Month rating: 8/10

November: I have my last tests the first week of November, so most of the month I just coast. I go to my sorority formal, get appointed to ADPi executive board, and go to Denver for Thanksgiving. November is a bang up month. Month rating: 9.5/10


December: 50% finals, 50% Christmas. A real mixed bag, this one is. Month rating: 6.5/10 finals hurt

Quick Hits: 

The blog was founded in March with my first post, Anything for a Joke.

Total readers, to date: 2,354

Most popular post: That’s a Weird Thing to Say to Someone (April)

My favorite post: Pull It Together (September)

Total # of posts: 18

Additionally, I reformatted the sidebar so that it makes some amount of sense. You can now subscribe to this blog without a WordPress account! Be the first to know when a post goes live by entering your email address. What a time to be alive.

Happy Holidays!


I Was Wrong: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Admission

I Was Wrong: A Once-in-a-Lifetime Admission

Forget everything I said in my last post. Coffee creamer, laying on the ground– what was I thinking? Those are inadequate treats for finals week. They are perfectly fine for your run-of-the-mill Tuesday, but not for finals week. Listen to me very closely:

Get a massage. 

Go to a really ritzy salon and get a massage. I did this a few days ago and I would describe myself as “too relaxed to drive.” I am confident that if I ever went through something very traumatic and had to imagine my happy place, the spa I visited would be it. Sometimes, in our lives, events mark a before and after– a crossroads, after which nothing is the same. That massage is a crossroads in my life. Never in my life will I have extra funds, because I am now a massage addict. Veritably, I can see myself as a homeless person begging on the street when someone sees me and crassly tells her child, “Don’t give her anything; she’ll just spend it all on massages.”

I now have to get good grades so I can grow up to one day support my massage habit. Call that finals motivation.

“Can you spare a dollar?”
